Sunday, May 31, 2009

Carnival love

As I mentioned in my previous post, an old friend came to visit, and instead of going for lunch then heading for the mall I had something else in mind...

Since I was a child I have loved traveling carnivals. I remember how excited me and my best friend Christine would get when they were in town. The two of us would walk downtown and spend the day there playing games, eating cotton candy, and enjoying all the rides. Our parents had no fear of letting us go anywhere ourselves back then, times were different. I am so grateful to have been a child of the 70's, when you didn't have a cell phone attached to you at all times, and your summers were spent outdoors playing with your friends, not instant messaging them.
Here I go getting carried away again, lol!

So I asked my friend if she would mind if we stopped by the carnival for a bit, and she agreed. I took my camera since this was the perfect opportunity to get some reference photos for possible artwork. My pictures didn't turn out that great, thanks to some huge dark clouds rolling in, but at least a few turned out ok. It was nice to walk around and see all the bright gaudy colors of the rides, and see children enjoying themselves. Then we did what big girls do, and headed to the mall, haha!

It is now Sunday night, and I had a busy weekend. Not much time for art, although I managed to finish one folk art painting. I just got back from the movies, where I saw 'Drag me to hell'. We expected it to be a scary movie, instead it was a comedy, although I'm not sure it was supposed to be. On the way home we stopped at a video store, where I found the first season of 'The Tudors' for $12!

Then I checked my blog and see that I was given 'one lovely blog award' by sweet Carole
at Art Plus. As with the other blog awards I've received, I don't feel right picking who to award these to. There are too many worthy blogs, and I can't choose, so I will graciously say thank you for thinking of me.


Marlene said...

What a fun day, and the pics brought back pictures for me as well.

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Carnivals are great fun aren't they? The sights, sounds and smells..mmmm...As I've gotten older I always find myself wondering about the lives of the people that work there. Probably make a good book :)
Congrats on your award.

Carole said...

Fun day!

I have to say that I agree. Being a kid during the 70's was a far different experience than being a kid now. We had no cell phones, limited tv access, no computers, and we were always outside doing....It's really too bad we've gotten so far away from that, and it's not for the better, imo.

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Betty, glad you had such a fun time with your friend, I love carnivals too. Congrats on your award!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your lovely message. Mark needed a boost with his art, this is his second piece with out work related since he went to college about 8 years ago.
I think he is going to draw more rounded people in his next one.
I loved reading your story about the fair and your memories about the 70's and they were so special.
I was thinking about these years myself. How they seemed so uncomplicated and care free. Playing with your friends and not any computer games, phones etc. Loved these years. Really special to read your post about your little gem of memories!

sending you a BIG SMILE:)