Monday, August 2, 2010

Newest ACEOs and Free Vintage Photo for you

hello everyone. Today is Civic Holiday in Canada, so we had a nice 3 -day weekend. I can't believe it's August already, the summer seems to be flying by so quickly. The only art I seem to be doing these days are my little ACEOs. I'm just not in the mood to do anything larger. The weather has been fabulous all summer, and I'd rather be out enjoying it. Winter comes too soon here, and there will be plenty of time to stay in and create larger art once the cold temperatures arrive.
See, the little guy above is trying to stay cool during this hot summer of ours, and so is the wee mouse, lol!

Yesterday me and my friends went antiquing.  I didn't buy much, but I did pick up 2 cheap packages of various vintage ephemera to use in my art. I remembered to take my camera along, and snapped a pic of these cute monks.

Later on in the day I went with my  friend  (who googled me and discovered this blog, haha!) went to her partners farm for a wonderful barbecue.  After dinner I even got to bottle feed an orphan colt. He was so hungry he went through 5 bottles in no time. He's a cute little fellow, lol!
You know it's funny to have a friend discover your blog. I've never mentioned it to anyone since I see this as an art blog mostly, and now 2 people who know me in person have found me out.  Guess I got to be careful what I say, lol!

I'm curious about other bloggers. Do you let your friends and family know about your blog, or do you have a sort of 'secret' identity?

Last but not least, here is another free vintage photo for you to use in your art. I bought this at a store which sells vintage and antique clothes and other items. The owner figures it is from the early 1900's, before 1920.
Aren't they the cutest kids? I'd love to see what you do with this, feel free to send me a comment or link.
Don't forget when saving to your computer, click the image once to bring up the larger version. Enjoy!


readingsully2 said...

Your owl aceos are just adorable. Great photos you shared too. My friends and family know but no one follows me...LOL

Marlene said...

Pink, the owls are adorable, the colt is adorable, and I love the vintage photo, thank you.

My friends and family know I have a blog, but If any of them read it they don't comment so I have no clue if they read it or not.

Isabel said...

Love the aceo!! Adorable:O) Some of my family knows and some of my friends I was a little shy to let too many people I know, know about it:O) and my family and friends dont follow either

Jaime Haney said...

I am right there with ya girlfriend! The summer is meant for being outdoors!

I have my blog and all my info like twitter, website and facebook as my signature so if I forward jokes or send a message it is automatically there. I wish I used a different email for business, but oh well too late now. I know of one friend for sure that has occasionally looked at it, but I really have no idea either if they read it or not. I'm guessing not because of my counter but I'm not sure. I have a tendency to be really personal on my blog, so I try to not drag in family or friends since my foot fits just perfectly in my mouth a lot of the time ;-)

I love your ACEO's! You're getting more accomplished than I am... ha ha!

Thanks for sharing your old photo!

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Betty - Those owls are just adorable!

Wow cute monks! Lol

What a beautiful colt, would be an awesome experience to be feeding it I bet!

Hmmm my art friends all know it, other than that none of my friends or family read blogs or have an interest in art. I send them the odd thing from my blog if I think it will interest them but that's all.

Wow those are cute kids.

apinkdreamer said...

i love this cute owl!!!

Lauren said...

Love the ACEOs!! I think I am going to do some this week, I have also been in the mood to do smaller pieces. Cute photos, I love the monks and the colt! And thank you for the use of your great vintage photo!

My family and some of my friends do know about and visit my blog regularly. It was actually my mom who introduced me to art blogs in the first place, and I'm so glad she did! :) ~Lauren

Tammie Lee said...

Your aceo's are adorable. Sometimes I find small art to be more challenging than larger art. It is hard for me to get to the details, I guess.

I love the monk photo.

I tell everyone I have a blog. I think a few of my friends peak in once in a while, some regularly, but for the most part the people who read my two blogs are people I have never met.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

The ACEOs are so cute! Anything with owls is absolutely fine by me. My friends and family do know about my blog, but rarely do they come to visit. Not sure why that is! LOL As long as they support my endeavors, then I am quite happy. Theresa

Unknown said...

MMM, first of all, I adore your girls and you should keep making them too!I just won't give up!I know that eventually I will sell them, even if it's at art shows..hopefully?
Your owls are absolutely adorable and I couldn't tell you which I like best! I love vintage photos and have been collecting to use in my art but haven't quite figured out how??? but like my paintings i'll just keep collecting, I would love to see what you make out of these! Thank you for the beautiful image!
As for my blog,very few people know but they rarely read it and if they do they don't comment, I really prefer it that way. I feel more comfortable with people that appreciate art and can understand me...
Sometimes I feel totally silly in what I write!...LOL!

Unknown said...

Hi Betty! Love the picture of you giving the colt a bottle! I know what you mean that we should take advantage of the great weather while it's here, so I'm gearing up for a blog break. I only told my sisters about my blog but they don't have time to read it. However, my cousin in Italy found it and I was so embarrased (have I told you this before). He thought it was cool though but I make sure not to blog about my extended family just in case. Enjoy your week!

Sandy xo

Cameron said...

Adorable ACEO's! I soooo wish I had a printer right now to print up those cute siblings!

As for my Blog, I try to get my friends and family to read it, I haven't had much luck :)