Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Owls and Beagles

 hi friends, I couldn't think of a more creative title for this post, it's late, and I'm tired, lol!
After a busy few days, tonight was going to be a painting night (after I got my hair done), but instead watched a video that was sent to me....and then of course, had to click on another video and another....I love youtube, but it's easy to spend lots of time there.  Oh, and while watching videos, I had a plate full of the crappy  shortbread cookies I baked yesterday. I make these simple ones for the holidays, but for some reason, they were not coming out right.  Every cookie I removed from the baking sheet  cracked, so I guess that leaves them all for me, haha! They taste ok, they just don't look so pretty.
And as I was writing this post, I got up and had another...oh boy! they need to be removed from my house immediately!

Artwise, I am still creating my little owl ACEOs (see above ). I love doing them, especially the Christmas ones. So many ideas, but running out of time!
I've been wanting to try some  larger paintings and my recent trip to Montreal has really got me inspired. I'm just afraid that if I wait too long to begin,I will put it aside for another year.
There are so many ideas in my head I don't know where to start! so I don't. That's a big problem for me..I look through my sketchbook, and can't seem to settle on one thing. And because I can't decide, I go back to what's comfortable, which are my owl ACEOs, and my whimsical girls...not that there's anything wrong with that, lol! but it feels good to try something that might intimidate you at first.  We shall see....I have an idea in mind for a Christmas present, and if I ever get started on it, you will be the first to see (as the recipient doesn't read my blog).

So I will end this  post with the video that got me started tonight. It's about 9 beagles that were released from a research lab, and this is their first time outside in the sun. Having had beagles in my family for so many years, I am very partial to these beautiful creatures.
thanks for reading!

ps- please double click on the video to see the larger screen, I have no idea why it is cut off at the sides!

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France


Sueann said...

The video of the beagles made me cry!!
Thanks for sharing !!

Magic Love Crow said...

Betty!! I loved that video! Thanks so much for sharing it! I was crying happy tears! So precious ;o) Do you have any cookies left? I will share them with you ;o) LOL! Have a great day!

Cameron said...

Oh my gosh....I wanted to adopt them all!!! Poor babies....so sad to see a dog that has lived 2 whole years and never walked or run on grass....I had no idea this goes on...I always think of white mice and rabbits (which doesn't make it better, but aren't thought of as companion animals). Wow...thank you for opening my eyes...

I understand the baked goods addiction...it has hit my house, too....gingerbread cookies at the mo...

I'm feeling the same dilema....haven't really been blogging cuz I have nothing to show for it....lots of ideas and plans of action...but no actual execution or finished projects...*sigh*...think I'll go have a cookie whilst I mope...heehee :P

Big Hugs, Betty!

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Oh my gosh...I saw that video yesterday & it broke my heart! I had to give my huge, golden retriever a hug. I am so thankful that they have been "freed!" Darling painting and enjoy your cookies. :)

Pam Hardy said...

Awww what a sweet ACEO! Glad you are at least enjoying your home made cookies, doesn't matter then if they look good lol
What a beautiful video. Those poor dogs, glad they are free now!

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, I am bawling my eyes out! I had to go get my husband to come watch that video so he could share my utter beautiful joy. I just don't understand people doing such things and this is such an amazing organization. Thank you.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Why must this happen to poor babies like this? At least they are now free and can run and play and bask in the sun!!! I am loving your little owl ACEO. And any cookie in my mind is a good cookie - dunk it in some milk - maybe that will make it taste better to you! Happy weekend!

Jeannette said...

Such a sad and happy video all at the same time made me cry.I have done fostering the past but not since I had children.They tend to cry when the animals find a home.

I to have the same problem always lots of idea's in my head.I tend to start 2 or 3 canvases and keep going from one to the other.Sometimes that helps me to get past the initial "what do I do first" problem.

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I get so easily upset when animals are being mistreated. I have a soft spot for them. :) Painting looks wonderful! Enjoy your cookies! :)

ArtSings1946 said...

Well, it's hard to write with so many tears in my eyes. How can people do this!!! Thank you for sharing and Happiness to all.

lisanelsonart said...

The video was so cute - thanks for sharing, Betty! I know how easy it is to get distracted, esp when something with adorable animals comes your way. Love your ACEOs - have been trying to get more painting done myself but keep heading in different directions. This season with everything sparkling and aglow doesn't help. Anyway, the owls are all precious - love them all! Have a great weekend!

Jeannette said...

I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful art.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from UpAndAwayStudio.