Thursday, September 18, 2008

So much for consistency....

Don't you just hate when life gets in the way of your plans. I was hoping to update my blog regularly....guess that didn't work too good for me, lol.

Sometimes things get out of control, and your best laid out plans just go out the window.
For now I will simply post a mixed media painting I did a few weeks ago. I will do a 'real' update in a few days.

1 comment:

Garlic said...

Your art is BEAUTIFUL. I love it. I'm on your blog, snooping around, and I also saw that you listed Julia Cameron's, "The Artist Way." We've got a blog for artists who are familiar with that book and we would love to have one of your pictures on it, with your permission, and it would have your name and a link back to wherever you want people to see your work. There are two pictures that I was hoping one or the other could come up, at least for a little while. It would also be neat to have you maybe come up with a quote for it. (the one with the young woman who has a crown on her head or the one with the young woman in ponytails, dark hair and wings.)

Sorry, I don't know where else to reach you. I may try flickr.

I hope to learn something from your spirit (no procrastination)

Are you interested? You can E-mail me at:

Our blog is at: