Saturday, February 18, 2012

So I played...

hi everyone. You know I have done probably hundreds of owl ACEOs, and  realized that I have never put them on anything larger than a baseball here is my first painting. I wanted to really loosen up on this, and just play. I wanted to use pretty colors that drew me, and forget about realism. Folk art is one of my favorite types of art, yet it can be tricky to do (for me at least...I tend to try and control my paintings). What fun this was!  I can't wait to do another one. 
Now I would have had more art to show you, but I got sidetracked by  Pinterest, lol! Wow, that is a wonderful tool!  It's like an online bulletin board for all the good stuff you find online.  I had to join Twitter though, in order to get access.  I'm slowly being dragged into the social media world :-)

Last weekend was a complete disaster art wise, so rather than fighting it, I sat down and sketched a red riding hood character. One of my favorite things to do is faces, so this was very relaxing. Mind you it is a rough sketch, and I experimented with watercolor crayons on the face, as well as pencil marks. It was fun to just paint without needing it to be perfect.  It's a great way to try out new things, as some of you have commented. 
Well, back to work for me -if I can drag myself away from my computer
thanks for reading!


Melanie Statnick said...

Loving your little owl! They are my favorite. I think I'll start painting more of mine too!. Your's is so pretty!!

Tammie Lee said...

lovely to see what you have been breathing life into. I love playing with loosening up, most the time it is a wonderful experience. Sometimes i ruin things i loved before it got loose ;-)

ArtSings1946 said...

These are both so nice ... love them both.

Happiness to all.

Geri said...

love the loose feel of both of these! so nice to see you on pinterest too but you'll have to be reminded to "STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER" if you get addicted to pinterest like me LOL!

audrey said...

Your owl painting is beautiful. He is so cute and I love the colors you used.
I am having trouble with Pinterest. Just can't get things to work, but I keep trying. One of these days... hahaha
♥ audrey

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Your owl is absolutely fabulous!!!! I love the soft colors you used throughout the painting. And Little Red is just perfect, too. I've been using watercolor crayons lately, too, and really liked using them. :)

Linda said...

Love the little owl, he's just so cute.

Haha I know what you mean by getting side tracked by Pinterest. The same thing has happened to me. I love that site...way too much.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love your owl! I love the colors! So darn cute my friend ;o) Little Red Riding Hood is so precious ;o) Love her too ;o) Hugs ;o)

Cameron said...

I'm loving Red's sweet worried expression...and the owl....well, you can never go wrong with an owl! Cute as a button yours is!!

Pam Hardy said...

Beautiful artwork!
I am glad you are enjoying pinterest! I love it!

Audrey, another friend was having problems on Pinterest, she was using Firefox. But said when she switched to Internet Explorer, now it works.
I use Google Chrome and have had no problems at all!

Pam Hardy said...
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Anonymous said...

I love, love, love you artwork! Your owl is adorable and the soft colors just make me smile. Little Red Riding hood is a treasure as well. Too cute.

I went to join Pinterest as well but did not want to join Twitter or Facebook. My sister got Facebook and didn't like it because everyone had such access to her and being a dinosaur, I have no knowledge at all about Twitter. ;-)

Pamela Joy Purses said...

Girl we love your always is a sweet expression of YOU...hope you have a blessed weekend, Hugggs, Pamela

Jenny said...

Love your owl painting Betty... beautiful with such soft colors... and your Red Riding Hood is adorable... I just love her sweet little face...

Jenny x

Anne said...

Your artwork is amazing; your owls adorable.

Nikhil S.P said...

Beauooootifull piece of artwork.... That owl is an image that's gonna stay in my mind for days :)

qifei2012 said...
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