Today as I was looking through some old work I realized I haven't painted a fairy tale in a very long time. Back then I was struggling with my backgrounds, and working on creating prettier faces in my art.
Then I discovered ACEOs, and Mixed media, so my fairy tale series got put aside. It's time to do a new one. I think I have done 6, and next on my list was Cinderella. We shall see if I can find time this weekend to continue....
Other news, I saw the musical 'Cats' a few days ago. It was fantastic! As I was watching my little artist brain was busy planning out what paintings I could make based on it. Inspiration is everywhere! too bad that the image in my mind was much better than the end result. I don't care for this painting at all, I think I made her face way too wide. Oh well, you can't always get it right. I still beeswaxed her though, and will have it on my bookshelf to remind me of the musical.

Yesterday I received the last of my OWOH giveaway prizes, so here is a picture I took- sorry for the quality, it was overcast when I took it...on the left is the lovely mixed media canvas by Sanna, and on the right is the cigar box of incredible goodies are from Carole
I got so lucky with this event!

that's it for now, I must continue cleaning :-(