Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

I'm looking forward to spending a nice quiet evening alone. It has been a busy season, and soon it will be back to normal. As I was cooking my dinner, I got caught up in painting and ended up burning the bottom of my pot. I was steaming veggies and didn't realize the water evaporated, but boy did it smell in the kitchen...then as I added water to try and clean it, the fire alarm went off. I hope this isn't a preview of next year, haha! I sometimes can be a bit absent minded.

I have a postive feeling for 2010, and I hope it turns out to be wonderful for all of us. We can choose to make it our best year ever! Let's try and count our blessings, focus on what is right in the world instead of the negative, and be kinder to everyone we meet.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of my blog readers for your friendship over the last year. I appreciate each and every one of you, and am grateful for your support. May the next year bring you many blessings, much joy, and abundance!


deb famularo said...

(Sorry about yout pot!!! yikes!)
I can't wait to get my beautiful "witch" painting, I love her! I will treasure it, I promise!!!
Wishing a very Happy New Year to you! xOxO deb

Sueann said...

Here is to the happiest of New Years' to you!!! I am definitely all for being kinder to one another in 2010. It can make all the difference.
Hugging you

Marlene said...

Happy New Year!!! Your little birds are adorable.

Sue said...

Oh dear, I let a pot of potatoes boil dry once.........the smell! Yuck! (not to mention the destroyed pot).

Wishing you a wonderful 2010 filled with peace, joy and creativity!


Unknown said...

I hope you had a great Christmas and new years! I agree that postitive thought will bring you all the best for the new year!


Poetic Artist said...

It is a new year and I can not wait to see what you are going to create.

Jaime Haney said...

oyi, a stinky burnt pot. At least your house didn't burn down, right? that's a plus :) I hope you decided to eat cookies instead, yum! hee hee

Happy New Year my fairy friend!

Linda said...

That sounds like something I would do too. Happy New Year Betty. May the remainder of the new year stay positive, bright and free of burned veggies.

Renee said...

See what happens when you try to eat vegetables, you should have been eating potato chips.

Happy New Year dear friend.

Love Renee xoxoxo

Christine said...

Cheers for 2010 to you :-) I didn't realize that you had little owls in your collection! I have to show them to my friend, they're adorable :-)

Renee said...

I am very happy with it Betty and very grateful, Julie Ann is an angel herself.


Unknown said...

Hello my dear,

Yes, I am filled with positive expectation about the new year and I believe it will be the best one yet! My wish for all of us is the same as you, that it be filled with every good thing this life has to offer us.

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your visit to my blog. Your comments are ever appreciated and treasured.

Sending fairy hugs and butterfly wishes for a magical week ahead!

~Kitty Kellie

Erin Butson said...

Oops! :) I love your work & your blog. Happy new year to you.

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Betty Oh no, hope you were able to clean the pot up!

Oh my goodness I love your owls, So Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betty, I am so with you in this!
I hope your 2010 is the greatest year for you ever. The kindness shared will soar into something truly wonderful for the whole earth!

Your kitchen adventure,lol! No, not to many of those, lol!

Big Hugs!


P.s I don't know whether this is happening in the US? In the uk, teenagers hugging one another when they meet is catching on like there is no tomorrow! Great!
They even go in groups sometimes and randomly run up to someone and hug them. My daughter Hannah is one. They hug the metal tree in the Town centre.
I notice these young one often and it as been mentioned on the Radio what is going on with these young folk and hugging.
They may be the future healers of the world. Pray and hope!

Debbie said...

Your art is so pretty! Have a happy new year!

glitterBugStudios said...

It's nice to meet you betty! Thanks for stopping by my flickr & blog. I looked thru your stream as well and I just adore your owls with the hats! Adorable! Sounds like me when I cook, doesn't turn out well at all. I let the hubby do it...

readingsully2 said...

Happy New Year Pink!!!:)

I spent it at my brothers house.

Antonella said...

love the owls ... they were favorites of my mother's... hugs, antonella :-)