Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feeling nostalgic

After work, I happened to catch the Oprah show. They were re-visiting teen heartthrobs, hers was Michael Jackson's big brother Jackie. You should have seen her face when he showed up in her dressing room unexpected.  I think I would have passed out if one of my teen idols showed up, lol!

I was a child of the 70's.  I had pictures on my bedroom wall of David and Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garret, Robbie Benson, John Travolta, and I was absolutely in love with the Bay City Rollers, haha! I would spend hours listening to their music, reading about them, dreaming about them, like any typical teen I suppose.

 Oprah had Shaun Cassidy and Peter Frampton on the show as well as the Backstreet Boys.
Watching some of the older women in the crowd go crazy when Shaun Cassidy came on the stage was so beautiful, because in that  moment, I could see their younger selves. I could see the girls they used to be before family and responsibilities changed them. That youthful spark though, was still inside.

I totally get it now. When I see young girls screaming over Justin Bieber, I get it. That was me, many decades ago. Maybe it's a rite of passage for girls? I don't know.

Man, aging is tough! Seeing your teen hearthrobs age is tough, but it's worse seeing what time has done to you.  I still remember those days when I was young and hopeful, and full of dreams. It felt like a more innocent time, but maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic. Sometimes I wish I could go back just for a day, to experience a different world, a world without cell phones, internet, texting, video games...a world where we spent time outside, when we could go downtown without parents worrying about us.  A world with cute boys like Shaun Cassidy who we could dream about.

I'd love to hear about your childhood crushes, don't be shy! Who's poster was hanging up in your locker, lol?


Christine said...

I had a thing for Kirk Cameron back in the day! Hahah!

Yup, I think it's a rite of passage too for girls - heheh, I can feel my eyes sparkle just thinking about Kirk!

I didn't have cell phones growing up either. I miss those days too, when I wasn't always wondering who was texting or emailing me. I was a Big Sister for two years and being connected is so much a part of a teenager's life these days. I wonder what it will be in another 20 years? :-)

Micki Wilde said...

Love this post!!

My daughter is totally loving Justin Bieber and JLS at the moment, I can't stand it, but I let her listen to it anyway as my mum hated my music too lol!!
Although my daughter is only 7 and i'm fairly sure I didn't care about music until I was at least 12, they do everything younger nowadays ;)

I was always more of a rock chick/punk girl (still am... lol) my teen posters would scare most young girls ;)

Micki x

Fotf said...

One of my favourite bands maybe later on was Take That. Mark Owen was so cute. They split up, he got a reputation as a bit of a womaniser and so time ticked on...I am now a grown and a mum and Take That are now back together and reformed with all the original line up. I watch Mark and see his cute grin and it makes me smile. He was egging Robbie on during an X Factor episode before Christmas and you could see the encouragement in his face. Made me smile :)

Sueann said...

My heart throb was Paul McCartney!! Sigh! I also had the Dave Clark Five, The Animals, and groups like that. As you can see, I am a teen from the 60's! Ha!
I saw the show on Oprah and I clapped and shouted with them. It was so cool to see them so excited.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I agree with you. That's just what every teenage girl has to go through. :) Mine were New kids on the block, A-HA and even David Hasselhof. :) Knight rider was popular in my young days. :)))

Lee Pierce said...

UM...I was an Animals fan and the Stones but I didn't quit. Had Jan Micheal Vincent poster (airwolf) in the back of my closet in the 80s and now a collection of Hugh Jackman movies and photos. I may be old on the outside but there's a 20ish girl on the inside looking out!
(Don't tell on me!)

Anonymous said...

Such a great sketch you did Betty!
clapping.. My heart throb was Glen Cambell. Funny thing I married a man who looks nearly identical to him. (back then)! lol♥

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

I turned 40 last month, so I have been a bit nostalgic as well. :) I remember days of reading Tiger Beat and pulling out their posters for my closet doors. I can picture my room with all the actors from The Outsiders...Rob Lowe, C. Thomas Howell...hilarious.

It makes me giggle to see my daughter scream for The Jonas Brothers...History repeats itself.

apinkdreamer said...

great post and fantastic portrait!
happy new year!!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Betty ;o) I have to say, it was nice without cell phones! Actually, I had one and I gave it up! Maybe I will get one back, but I feel I just don't need it right now. I think my heart throbs were Tom Cruise, John Travolta and I love the guys from the 80's films, like, Pretty in Pink and Breakfast Club. Great Post!

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Beautiful sketch.

I saw that Oprah, it was a good show. Great post.

I don't actually remember much of my early teens, later on it was probably Westlife & Boyzone.

Anonymous said...

It's funny because I was feeling like this recently too. Thinking I never did what I wanted to back when I had all the time in the world. Now I'm so busy and it sucks to know how much I took my time for granted. Life goes on though. As for that crush - I had a weird one: Billy Zane. I used to love horror movies when I was younger and I think I first saw him in Demon Knight (Tales from the Crypt movie). What a voice he has *drool*.

Marlene said...

Great post, brought back lots of memories - One of mine was Herman Hermits, and I was in love with George Harrison.

My granddaughter will be 11 and she wants all things Justin Bieber for her birthday.

Tammie Lee said...

your art is lovely and tender, i love seeing it.

That show does sounds as if it was fun to see.

I had a crush on Adrien Paul of the series Highlander.

Linda said...

In my early teens Paul McCartney was it for me and later teens it was Davy Jones from the Monkees.

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Your new sketch is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I really love her. :) As for my childhood crush - don't laugh...Donny Osmond! LOL Ok - I'm laughing. Theresa

Anonymous said...

Betty, its been years since I heard about Bay City Rollers! My nana Stewart who lived in the USA, sent us some tartan socks in the post, to go with their band. I loved those socks. American socks, when Uk was so behind! We thought the socks were sheer wonderful! The fact they where from our nana in America, wow!
Kids hey, your so right going down memory lane! Thank you for sharing such memories of yours and seting me off on some of my own.
Loads of love!

Sunshineshelle said...

David Cassidy (the red poster) then Starsky & Hutch, I used to 'tape' their shows with a cassette recorder & play them back late at night in bed so I could go to sleep listening to the show LOL, by the way, my girlfriend LOVED Woody from Bay City Rollers, I never really got the 'pants' LOL ; )

Unknown said...

Thanks for the congrats girl! I agree that now things are no longer as they were while we were growing up. My crush was Michael J. Fox so it is always heart-breaking when I see what he is going through now. Anyway try not to get frost bite! Hugs!Sandy

Christine said...

Hahaha...this post is great! I remember being seven and getting into a fight with a neighbor girl(Andie) as to who was cuter Shaun Cassidy (my choice)or the Fonz (hers). Actually my crush when I was small was Andy Gibb and when I was a teen in the 80's it was Bono. I did get to meet the latter in 2004 an while I'm not the type to go crazy in front of anyone I did cry when I got home I was so happy.It's a strange thing to meet someone whose face was plastered all over your wall as a teen and whose music you listened to on a daily basis:)