Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello my dear blogging friends, I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. May 2012 bring you lots of joy, good health,  success, and may it be the happiest ever for you.
It's up to us, to make life the way we want it. A little at a time, day by day, we can make the choices that bring us our dream lives, the one we have always imagined. 
If not now, when?
sending you many blessings,
"I will seek elegance rather than luxury; refinement rather than fashion. I will seek to be worthy more than respectable; wealthy and not rich. I will study hard, think quietly, talk gently and act frankly. I will listen to stars and birds, and babes and sages with an open heart. I will bear all things cheerfully, do all things bravely, await occasions and hurry never. In a word I will let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious grow up through the common." - William Ellery Channing


Sue said...

Well said Betty! We truly do 'own' how we get through each day. We only have one of that particular moment/day and we owe it to ourselves to make the best of it.

Wishing you a very happy New Year!



Christine said...

Happy New Year Pink! May 2012 be arty and fun!

audrey said...

Hi Pink!!
What an adorable New Year's Owl!!
Happy New Year to you!!! I hope it brings you much joy!!
I love the quote you posted.
Thank you for your visits this year. I hope to be a better visitor and blogger this year.
♥ audrey

ArtSings1946 said...

Most Happiest of the New Year, Pink ! Love and Fairy Hugs,

Pamela Joy Purses said...

Happy New Year ole friend. I just sent Verlene a message ...wouldn't it be cool to have a Reunion of all us "ole friends and new" one day....look forward to seeing more of your beautiful art Betty...Love, Pamela

Sueann said...

Love the New Year message!!
May you have a blessed and joyous New Year

Jen @Sadie Inspired said...

Happy, Happy New Year!! Looking forward to all the creativity the new year will bring. :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy New Year Betty ;o) Beautiful post! All the best for you in the New Year! Here's to a great 2012 ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

Pam Hardy said...

Happy New Year Betty, wishing you all the best! What an adorable ACEO!

Florance Simpson said...

In going forward with my goal of letting fellow Canadian artists I admire know that I lurk about their blogs regularly without commenting...I plan on changing that and supporting their amazing talents!
I've long admired your fabulous art and your lovely blog...thank you for sharing your gift of artistic creativity with all of us!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Happy Happy New Year, Betty!!!! Wishing you a magical year filled with the things you love!

Lauren said...

Happy New Year Betty! I just love the little owl and the quote :) ~Lauren

Jeannette said...

Happy New Year Betty you are so right.

Kim Vanlandingham said...

Love those sweet little eyes on this little critter. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Always so nice to see you Betty!
I love your art and the quote!!
Miss you my friend.. ♥

qifei2012 said...
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