Thursday, November 19, 2009

Seasonal Art and an update

It's been a while since my last blog post! If I recall correctly, I was going to decorate my home that weekend...well, that did not happen. In fact I got up Saturday, looked around at all the things I had to remove to make way for the Christmas stuff, and couldn't get motivated. I may have gone shopping instead, lol!
I finally did make myself get it all done last week, and will share pictures, if the sun ever comes out! It's been gloomy out the last couple of days when I come home from work.

Artwise I haven't done much...only a few new ACEOs I'm working on, including a series of Christmas owls, yes you heard that correct, lol! I've found myself busy with other things, and it's just a matter of time before I sit down, and paint for several hours straight. I don't feel like I have been creative lately, and it bothers me every day that goes by without art. ( the painting you see here of my Snow girl was done earlier in the year).

Anyway, enough of anyone watching the Vampire Diaries? How about Survivor? I love those shows, and look forward to my Thursday evenings.
The new Twilight movie -New Moon - is out tomorrow, can't wait to see it! Now you know I love Edward, but this Youtube clip is hilarious! I can't remember if I ever added it to my blog, but here it is, Buffy vs. Edward. Being a Buffy fan from way back, this one made me laugh...

Right now I am sitting here eating the last of the $10 package of Chocolate crunch that I bought at a craft show today. Damn chocolate! I can't eat just one piece, it is so irresistible!  Chocolate and sweets are my weakness. I say to myself if I eat it all now, I won't have any to tempt me tomorrow, is that not crazy??

I know I am late but I would like to take the time to thank Abi, a member of the  ArtDollsOnly blog for awarding me the Creaviv blogger award! I am truly thankful that you would include my wee blog :-)

This weekend I hope to work on a Christmas fairy painting, time is running out!

So what are your plans for the weekend?


Nicola said...

Hi there, I went and saw New Moon last night and really enjoyed it. At only 32 I managed to come out feeling like a cougar ;0) and after being a bit of an Edward fan all of a sudden he's starting to look a bit skinny and pasty compared to the buff Jacob...heheheh Try not to worry about not being as creative as you would like, I get weeks like that where other things have gotton in the way and I haven't seemed to be able to find the time. Sometimes though it's good to have a mini break as once I get back into it I find i have much more energy than before. Between our love of chocolate, vampires and our lack of enthusiasm for cleaning I think you and I must be kindred spirits hehehe. This weekend i am going to try to do more drawing as I've been side tracked by my pendants!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can SO relate! My goal was to have all my decor and shopping done by Dec. 1 so I could just craft and paint but...nothing. UGH! Oh well, I work best under pressure! Your artwork is fabulous as usual dahling!

Sueann said...

The Buffy vs. Edward clip is hysterical!!! I was such a Buffy fan!! I sure miss this show.
Eating all the chocolate makes sense to me. I mean who wants to struggle every day with the temptation!! Duh!
I plan on decorating this weekend and wrapping some gifts that I have gotten. Last year wrapping totally got away from me!!!

Pam of Always Artistic said...

Your painting is beautiful!

I hope to get my Christmas stuff up soon too, but need to make room, I have too much stuff in my house for a tree! lol

Oh man that clip is too funny! I used to watch the later seasons off Buffy and loved it! Thanks for sharing! It was really well put together!

Can't wait to see your Owls and other art!

Poetic Artist said...

Where you been? I know I have not been creative lately and have not been posting either. Mostly I am sitting with a book in one hand and some kind of sweet treats in the other. LoL May we both get back in the creative mood soon!!

readingsully2 said...

Pink, I went to the midnight showing with my thirty-something friends..we had a kick-off party with blood drinks and movie posters with the hostess being photo shopped into it. Great and one person even wore red contacts....LOL Great fun.

A'isha said...

ohh i cant wait to see New moon... im so keen, imjust trying to wait so the cinema isnt packed...

i so no what you mean about chocolate.. if its there i must eat it.. like a

Unknown said...

Hey girl, First of all- with regards to your Thanks Giving comment, it totally rocks that ours is waaay before Christmas indeed!

After the art show and swaps I too am not feeling creative anymore. Did you get to see New moon? I LOVED it! I just watched the Buffy vs Edward clip;too funny!

This weekend I am partying it up in downtown Toronto with a blogger pal-woohoo! Pray it's not too cold!

P.S I too bought tons of chocolate at the art show and already ate the chocolate covered pear and chips-yum!

Sand xox

Renee said...

I love Vampire Diaries.

Stephan and Damien, and Damien is always so funny.


Anonymous said...

Your owls are so cute and your blog is looking hooty and certainly not goofy!
Great to see the birds cute faces and your sense of humour shinning through!
Congratulations on your award Betty!
Your a super star!
Have an awesome day!


Linda said...

I'm loving Vampire Diaries too. Damian is so hot!! LOL. The Buffy/Edward clip was funny. Never watched Buffy, not sure why since I love all things Vampire.

I'm the same way with Chocolate. I can't leave some for another day, must have it all now. LOL

The only thing I've done for Christmas so far is make some Christmas gift tags. It's become a tradition to craete handmade tags. I started it a few years ago and now my family expects them. :)